
The Terror in Israel could Not Stop Him

Friday, 16 October, 2015 - 2:06 am

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The terrible violence from terror attacks going on in Israel now did not stop one young man from carrying out his Bar Mitzvah dreams.

Simon W. from Vienna came with his family to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah in Jerusalem. Accompanied by Rabbis Kutner and Swerdlov of Chabad’s terror Victims Project (CTVP.ORG), Simon went to visit the victims of the attacks as part of his Chesed project. 

Going to the hospitals, Simon brought headsets, Tehillim and many other presents for each person. And he also brought his support and encouragement, his friendship and smiles.  

To a person, each person wounded in a terror attack was deeply touched that Simon would not let terror stop him - that he felt so strongly about Israel and her people that he was willing to come and show his solidarity with all of Israel. 

Deepest gratitude goes to Simon and his family for this act of lovingkindness and compassion. And Mazel Tov! on the Bar Mitzvah!

Photo Credits: Jared Bernstein Photography 

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