
iPads for Wounded Soldiers

Tuesday, 29 July, 2014 - 1:20 am

Today CTVP distributed iPads to wounded IDF soldiers who were so grateful and appreciative to receive them.

Rabbi David Eliezrie of Congregation Beth Meir HaCohen of North Orange County, California organized a campaign to raise money for the iPads. The response he received showed the level of concern and love everyone in the States has for these great heroes of Israel.  


Rabbi Eliezrie joined with CTVP and Professor Yehuda Adler, Chairman of the Sheba/Tel Hashomer Hospital, to deliver the iPads.

The soldiers and their families were so happy to receive them. They will enable them to stay in touch with family and friends, as well as use other programs to help them through what in some cases is going to be long and painful hospitalizations and rehabilitation. 

A mother of one of the wounded soldiers expressed her feelings to Rabbi Eliezrie and to Yossi Swerdlov of CTVP, ”On behalf of my son, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart – for your kindness, your warmth, your gifts and your love. G-d bless all the soldiers. They should be home soon. Thank you.”

This is just one of the many activities CTVP participated in that day. Our staff and volunteers were fanned out across the country, as we have been every day since the conflict began, going to bomb shelters to bring toys, treats and activities to the children to take their minds of their fear and anxiety.

We have been on the front lines bringing soldiers packages of food, warm socks and undergarments, shampoo, deodorant and other essentials to keep them as comfortable as possible.  As well, we are enabling them to lay tefillin which, they tell us, brings them great comfort as they face battle.

And, sadly, we are with the families of the soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for Israel and the Jewish People.

To help purchase more iPads for additional wounded soldiers or to help us in our ongoing activities, please visit  













Comments on: iPads for Wounded Soldiers

Howard Hirsch wrote...

God bless Chabad and all the wonderful work they do!

Please help Chabad in any way you can.