

For families who have lost a loved one to terror or war, or those who have a family member who has been seriously injured, holidays can be a very painful time when they keenly feel the loss and grief.

CTVP provides financial assistance to these families so they can purchase the special foods which are a vital part of the celebration of the various holidays. As well, CTVP ensures that all these families have the special items they need to celebrate the holiday. From Shmura Matzah for pesach, or even honey for Rosh Hashna.

Families are invited to the homes of volunteers for the holidays and large public celebrations are also held by CTVP around Israel so no one is left out.

CTVP Provided Hope and Assistance to Families for High Holidays


As in previous years, the staff of CTVP facilitated special activities for the support and encouragement of victims of terror and war and their families in Israel during the High Holiday period. CTVP provided financial support, and home visits to families whose lives have been shattered by terror and war.

Wounded Israel Defense Forces soldiers were visited by CTVP staff members who came bearing gift packages containing honey and other special holiday treats, as a way of expressing our deep gratitude and appreciation for the exceptional and courageous sacrifices these heroes of Israel have made for the nation and land of Israel.

Over 3000 families of terror victims and soldiers received New Year's cards with special blessings for the High Holidays, reminding them that they are never forgotten, that the sacrifices their loved ones have made will always be in our hearts. During the holidays their bereavement is most acutely felt and this is a time when the support and friendship of all of us is most needed.

During Chol HaMoed Succot, special activities and parties were arranged to bring the joy of this very special festival to all these families.

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